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Jan Paul J Mulier

dienst Anesthesiologie
Heymanslaan 10
9000 Gent
0032 9 332 59 34

Jan Paul J Mulier, MD PhD FESAIC
email: ask via linked email contact


1981 KUL optievak: Electronics for medical use
1982 KUL optievak: Medical information technology
1977-1984 KUL dokter in genees-, heel- en verloskunde
1985 ILT 3j French
1986 ILT 3j English
1984-1988 Specialisatie: Anesthesie, Intensieve en Spoedgevallen onder Prof VandeWalle, Prof Vandermeersch en Prof Van Aken.
1987 UCSF one year residency at UCSF onder Prof M Miller
1993 Vlerick management school Gent: Management of research and innovation by Koen Debacker.
1994 Kul Geaggregeerde van het hoger onderwijs in de biomedische wetenschappen.
thesis title: The ventricular pressure as a function of volume and flow.
Promotor: H Van Aken, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Co Promotor: A. Noordergraaf, Penn University Pensylvania, Biomedical Research,
1995 KUL Postgraduate course in applied economics
2008 Wettelijk erkend proefleider voor dier experimenteel onderzoek


2024 - present: zelfstandige klinisch medewerker dep Anesthesiology, UGhent, Belgium
2024 - present: board member EXOVENT, UK
2021 - 2024: chairman dep Anesthesiology AZ Sint Jan Brugge
2020 - 2024: training courses in anesthesia for bariatric surgery with Medtronic
2016 - present: board member Montana's, Brugge
2015 - 2024: treasurer boardmember ESPCOP (past president)
2014 - 2024 present: academic consulent UGent
2014 - 2019: chairman dep of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive care
2013 - 2015: council member ESA
2013 - present: opioid free anesthesia and ERAS in bariatric surgery.
2010 - present: Training courses in bariatric anesthesia called Clinical Anesthesia Programme (CAPE) program organised by MSD
2010 manuscript reviewer at Britisch Journal of Anesthesia
2010 - present: Bestuurslid BSAR, board member ISPCOP
2009 - present: Associate academic staff member, Anesthesiology and Algology Kuleuven, Belgium
2009 - present: Training courses in bariatric anesthesia for surgeons and anesthetists with Johnson&Johnson, Covidien
2009 - 2014 President and founder of the ESPCOP (European society for perioperative care of the obese patient)
2008 - present Researcher at KULeuven
2007 Researcher on Ventilator modes improvements for anesthesia
2006 Researcher on Anesthesia for obesity and bariatric surgery: bariatric anaesthesiologist and inventor of safety bird
2005 : Researcher on Ventilator safety improvements: inventor of safety frog
2000 : als adviserend raadsdokter gevraagd meestal bij verdediging van chirurgen
1999 co Founder of IPEC international training course for echocardiography
1995 - 2014 chairman of dep anesthesiology AZ Sint Jan Brugge
1994 - 1995 KUL supervisor anesthesia KUL
1994 KUL adj supervisor brand wonde centrum
1992-1994 Co founder of the European NO research group founded in Sweden for NO application in anesthesia, intensive care and neonatology
1990 1993 Scientific Advisor for Baxter Key consultant for Continuous cardiac output
1988 till 1994 Basic research with animals at CEHA (center for research in surgery and anesthesia) modeling cardiac pump function using animal hearts
1990 1994 KUL supervisor cardio anesthesia
1990 Co-Founder of Desitech, inc Minneapolis: inventor of cough assist devices.
1988 Basic researcher at Medtronic,inc Minneapolis: dog research on cardio pulmonary synchronisation
1987 Research resident at University of California San Francisco Clinical research with Trans esophageal echocardiography

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